
What is RegenePulse ESWT

ESWT is an acoustic sound wave therapy that has been used around the world for more than 30 years, supported by hundreds of studies. RegenePulse worked together with a board of physicians to develop the optimal treatment guidelines for unprecidented results. RegenePulse training and certification separates our providers from others treating with ESWT.

RegenePulse boasts remarkable quality of life improvement for common conditions in both Men and Women.

40,000,000 Men
in the US are currently taking oral medication for
Erectile Dysfunction

RegenePulse ESWT

patients experience 80% Effective Reversing E.D.
(In only 6 treatments) Learn More & Get Treated

14 Million Men
currently suffer with
symptoms of BPH

RegenePulse ESWT

patients experience 80% Quality of Life Improvement
(In only 6 treatments) Learn More & Get Treated

50% of All Men
during their lifetime will experience
Chronic Prostatitis

RegenePulse ESWT

patients experience 80% Quality of Life Improvement
(In only 6 treatments) Learn More & Get Treated

41% of Women
under 50 experience
Sexual Dysfunction

Female Sexual Rejuvenation

patients experience 80% Quality of Life Improvement
(In only 6 treatments) Learn More & Get Treated

18,000,000 Women
struggle with
Urinary Incontinence (UI)

RegenePulse ESWT

patients experience 80% Quality of Life Improvement
(In only 6 treatments) Learn More & Get Treated

24% of Women
struggle with
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

RegenePulse ESWT

patients experience 80% Quality of Life Improvement
(In only 6 treatments) Learn More & Get Treated

RegenePulse can change your life.
What are you waiting for?

Find A Provider

There are RegenePulse trained and certified providers around the country. Only certified providers can administer this treatment.

Become A Provider

Medical providers interested in becoming RegenePulse trained and certified can provide contact information using this easy inquiry form.